In order to work, Prednisone needs to be converted to prednisolone. This conversion takes place in your dog’s liver. Horses, cats, and pets with liver failure are not able to effectively absorb and convert Prednisone into Prednisolone. Prednisolone is a glucocorticoid medication for cats and dogs. It is prescribed for the treatment of multiple conditions like inflammation, autoimmune diseases, allergies, asthma, and some cancers. All of these conditions can lead to inflammation, pain, and fever, which are part of the body’s natural defense mechanism, but their effects on tissues, organs, and the brain can cause damages. A glucocorticoid is a synthetic version of a steroid (hormone) naturally produced by the body to help deal with inflammation, stress, and blood sugar levels. Prednisone will help reduce inflammation and pain and suppress the immune system, which will help mitigate the stress on the body. It can also stop the growth or spread of tumors. Prednisone has an effect on the entire body and acts within hours of being given. Prednisone is available on Vetito veterinary pharmacy in 1 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg, and 50 mg strength tablets.