When your cat or dog suffers from skin infections, it can be really annoying for them and hard for you to treat since they can stop biting and licking their wounds. The treatment needs to be fast and effective. EnteDerm’s formula contains four powerful active ingredients: Nystatin, an antifungal; Neomycin Sulfate, an antibiotic; Thiostrepton, an antibacterial; and Triamcinolone Acetonide to reduce itching. EnteDerm ointment is used in the treatment of otitis, cysts in cats and dogs, and anal gland infections in dogs. EnteDerm ointment is also indicated in the management of dermatologic disorders caused by infections that can lead to inflammation and dermatitis. You can easily purchase EnteDerm ointment on Vetito veterinary pharmacy: all you need is a prescription from your veterinarian! EnteDerm helps bring relief to your cats and dogs.